nessie's carrd



I stan

5sos, calum hood, ashton irwin, luke hemmings, michael clifford, 1D, liam payne, niall horan, zayn malik, louis tomlinson and harry styles

about me

name: vanesa
pronouns: she / her
zodiac: gemini
languages: german, english, ( i will learn spanish next year)
~ born in croatia, since 12 years now in austria

also good to know

english isn't my first language, so if i make any spelling or grammar mistakes ignore them please.

i'm not sure if I will tweet anything 'casue sometimes i'm just too scared to tweet.

people can talk to me about everything, i'll always listen and i never judge. really about everything!


my dms are open, if you need someone to talk to i'm always here and will listen. don't be shy and text me :)

( Made with Carrd )